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icon 간세포생장인자,Hepatocyte Growth Factors,HGF
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icon 의약품중간체 Pharmaceutical Intermediates,의약원료 ,Transfer Factor
icon Cerebroprotein Hydrolysate.완제품.의약원료.의약중간체.Pharmaceutical Intermediates
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의약품중간체 Pharmaceutical Intermediates,의약원료 ,Transfer Factor
Trasfer Factor
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[Nature] : From sensitized T lymphocytes derived from, a double helix or RNA nucleotide and peptide complexes. By 12 amino acids and 3 to 4 ribose nucleotide compostion .Molecular 5000. Solution, dialysis , ultrafiltration, freeze-drying. Liu and sulfur acid , trichloroacetic acid negative reaction .Biuret positive ,ribose-2hydroxy toluene reaction positive .Right DNA enzyme, RNA enzyme and pancreatic trypsin resistant .Without heat ,56℃ for 30 minutes inactivation. Cryoreservation few years, the activity does not disappear. [Indications] : Selectively transferred immune cells, sensitized about some of the donor immutes cells transferred to the not sensitized to the not sensitized receptors, receptor-lymphpcyte immune cell function and enhance the body’s resistance to disease , but not the transfer of humoral immune response . Injected into body, injected into the body , the cellular immune response may last for several months, resulting in a more than a year. For the treatment of cells with weakened immune deficiencies or diseases. [Package] : 2000ml per PVC bag, 10bags/ carton

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[ 연락처 정보 ]
icon Company 항주화금약업유한회사
icon Address 浙江省杭州市万塘路317 华锦药业有限公司 절강성 항주시 만당로드 317
(우:310013) 중국
icon Phone 86 - 571 - 87207232
icon Fax 86 - 571 - 85126395
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